
1.2 Identifying Learning in the Workplace / 1.2.3 Learning Styles

It is possible to develop the student according to an understand of their learning style.

Learning Styles

A model of learning styles that can be very useful recognises that a student may be an activist, reflector, pragmatist or a theorist (Honey and Mumford, 1982).

Activists square 3x

Activist: Learn through experience and enjoy finding solutions to problems. Often open minded and like brainstorming.

Write square 3x

Theorists: Like to analyse and see the importance in the theory behind a situation. Like to plan and will often use learning models.

Bottle square 3x

Pragmatists: Prefer to learn through experimentation. Tend to be eager to try out new techniques and put their ideas into reality.

Eye square 3x

Reflectors: Like to learn through observation. Will tend to stand back and observe from a distance.

This model is four-dimensional as it recognises that a student will be a combination of the four learning styles and, as such, can be represented by a point on a kite diagram:

Figure 2: Illustration of how a learner can be a combination of learning styles

By understanding the learning approaches and styles and of the student, it is possible to tailor the learning method to suit a particular student. When this is achieved, a student is able to learn efficiently in the practice environment.


Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (1982) Manual of Learning Styles London: P Honey