
Section 1 - The Ageing Process

Summary of Section 1

Section 1 of the Gerodontology MOOC introduces the incidence and distribution of oral disease in the elderly. Additionally, we will look at the common effects of ageing on general health and oral health.

Section 1 includes the following sub-sections:

  • 1.1 Article - Age demographics
  • 1.2 Article - How we age
  • 1.3 Article - Cells, tissues and organs
  • 1.4 Article - Ageing on the systems of the body
  • 1.5 Video - Ageing of the oral tissues
  • 1.6 Video - Demographic changes in oral health
  • 1.7 Podcast - The epidemiology of ageing

Please complete the above sections before continuing to Section 2.